Vietnam Ture

Allens he ārahi ture o te ao u ki te hoa, kaiwhakaako o te ture, me te ratonga rangatōpū ngā kaimahi puta noa i Asia, me Ahitereiria

I roto i te ao alliance ki Linklaters, Allens' whatunga o te mākete-ārahi ture rä i te toru tekau ma iwa tari puta noa i te rua tekau ma waru nga whenua, ano te whakarato i te kiritaki te whai wāhi ki te hokohoko puta mai i roto i te Africa, Asia, India, me Amerika ki te Tonga.

Allens he ārahi ture o te ao u i roto i te Vietnam, me te pai-u i te wahi o te hapori pakihi. To tatou Hanoi tari i te tuatahi licensed ke te u ture tari i roto i te whenua, me te kua mahi mai i te tau. Allens' Matenga o Vietnam Pire Magennis kua noho ana i roto i te Hanoi mo runga i rua tekau ma rima nga tau i, me te he whānui wheako i roto i te tohutohu i runga i te tauine nui-kaupapa, M He whakawhitinga, me te whakatau amuamu ā. Hoa Robert Ika a Linh Bui e hāngai ana i roto i to tatou Ho Chi san juan City office. Robert mätanga i roto i te rangatōpū, M He, me te pēke, me te pūtea. Linh mätanga i roto i te M Te, te rangatōpū te ture, me te pūtea pēke, me te he whānui wheako i roto i te anti-te kaitiaki take. Hoa Chung Le e hāngai ana i roto i te Hanoi tari, me te tino hāngai ana i runga i te kaupapa hanganga, pūtea project, me te hanga (e rua - mua, me te hoki-mutunga). To tatou rōpū tohutohu kiritaki i runga i ngā āhuatanga ture o te haumi, me te mahi i te mahi i roto i Vietnam, tae atu ki: te real estate hanga pēke, me te pūtea rangatōpū te haumi ke te mergers me hoko i te mahi whakatau amuamu ā, me te tāke.

Mahi tatou i te maha o ngā mātanga ke, me Vietnamese te ture e āwhina i roto i te tohutohu i runga i te take o te ao, me te Vietnamese ture.

Ka rite ki te hua, whakahere tatou i te 'kotahi-mutu te hoko' i roto i te Vietnam i runga i te katoa ngā take ture. Whakahaere mai tetahi o höngongoi, Vietnam Ture Pātengi raraunga Ipurangi kei te ipurangi rapu i te pātengi raraunga o te maori translations o runga, Vietnamese ture hipoki i te whānuitanga o te kaupapa i ngā wāhi e hāngai ana ki te haumi ke, me te ki tua atu. Allens kaikauwhau i te Ture Aratohu ki te Haumi i roto i te Viet Nam Tenei whakaputanga whakarato ana i te tirohanga whānui o te Vietnamese ture e pa ana i te haumi, tae atu i te kapinga o ngā kaupapa pērā i te hinonga, te whenua, te peeke, me te kirimana. To tatou Vietnam Ture hua e mea faufaa te tohutoro taputapu mō te pūtea, me te ke pakihi i roto i Vietnam, i to ratou kaitohutohu, government and non-government organisations, mātauranga a ngā ākonga, me ētahi atu he moni i roto i Vietnamese ture.